New Ushers & Volunteers
Thank you for your interest in becoming a SPAC Volunteer. Unfortunately, we are no longer accepting new volunteer applications for 2025. Please check back next year.
Returning Ushers
We will be using Better Impact to manage volunteer schedules again for the 2025 season. This has helped improve the schedule and communication process. In March, you can begin signing up for events!

Contact Debby Sharpe at volunteer@spac.org or call 518.584.9330 ext. 106.

Action Council
First established in 1977 by SPAC founders Philly Dake and Jane Wait, the SPAC Action Council’s mission is to serve as a community of ambassadors to SPAC, supporting its cultural mission, membership, events, and programming by broadening awareness and promoting development.

Friends of SPAC
The Friends of SPAC are arts-loving volunteers. As ambassadors, the committee promotes SPAC membership at all levels. The committee connects young people with world-class arts events and education, ensuring the vitality of SPAC and the arts. Activities include community outreach and fundraising that support SPAC’s mission.