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SPAC Action Council

Proud ambassadors for SPAC since 1977, the Action Council draws on the backgrounds of our experienced, diverse membership to get things done. Our volunteers devote their time and energy in the areas of event planning, community outreach, and membership cultivationand have a great time doing it! 

Recent fundraising events include:  


Additional volunteer opportunities include support for: 

Executive Committee:


Stephanie Markowich

Vice President 

Eileen Whelley

Recording Secretary 

Susan Crua

Corresponding Secretary 

Elissa Smith


Rita Forbush 


Elizabeth Rutnik


JoAnn Duquette 

President’s Advisor 

Geraldine Golub* 

Immediate Past President 

Keeley Ardman DeSalvo*


Elaine Alfert  

Judy Aronstamm* 

Susanne Buhac 

Nancy J. Casna 

MaryLou Doyle 

Karen Eickhoff 

Victoria Fast Dunn 

Doris Fischer-Malesardi* 

Kristina Giglielmi 

Kara Guthrie 

Maria Harrison 

Barbara Hoehn* 

Rolanda Jetter 

Patricia Joy

Rolanda Jetter 

Harriet Kalejs 

Robin Kappler* 

Audra Lynch Herman 

Dympna Lynch Weil  

Wendy MacPherson  

Sara Mazzuto Regan 

Cory McCarthy 

Mary Murphy 

Maureen Parker 

Ewa Porzuczek 

Emily Reilly 

Elissa Smith  

Tas Steiner  


*Indicates Past President 

Be a Part of the Action!

Interested in joining the SPAC Action Council fun? To learn more about membership or for general questions, please contact us

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