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Friends of SPAC

The Friends of SPAC committee is a dynamic group of local community members, professionals, and performing arts patrons who work in tandem with the SPAC strategic planning and fundraising teams. 

Their primary focus is to cultivate a younger demographic to support SPAC and promote the arts in our community. They host a volunteer mixer the first Friday of every month to engage members and build a community of arts-loving volunteers. 

The Friends of SPAC committee is actively recruiting community members to join our volunteer group. 

Volunteer opportunities:  

  • First Friday networking events
  • SPAC programming
  • Live Nation concerts
  • Community events, and more! 




Grant Willsea

Vice President 

Demetria Koninis


Katie Caporta


Jonathan Elkaim


Lori A. Whitney

Past President 

Ashley Budd

At-Large Members 

Emily Bartell

Barbara Grub

Gretchen Piwinski

Samantha Reilly

Anne Van Vorst

Mallory Willsea


Kendra Astemborski

Sandy Budd

Leigh Elkaim

Kieran Glynn

Michael Struzzi

David Washburn

Anastasia Welsh

Joanne Yepson

Caroline Joy

Interested in joining the Friends of SPAC? 

The Friends of SPAC Committee is actively recruiting community members!  

We accept new volunteers throughout the year, welcoming new SPAC members at all levels to participate and join our vibrant community. To learn more about membership or for general questions about the Friends of SPAC, please get in touch via our Contact Us form here.

All Friends of SPAC volunteers are required to:  

  • Be a SPAC member
  • Pay social dues
  • Volunteer at least 2 hours each year
  • Serve on one committee per year

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